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Family Mental Health Support Service

Each child is unique, we value children’s authentic personality, their interests and strengths, to tailor support to improve their wellbeing, confidence and sense of self.

We use an individualised approach to support children and teens to:

  • Identify and develop their strengths and interests
  • Develop strategies to improve their sense of wellbeing
  • Build their sense of identity and self-worth
  • Increase their awareness of existing and additional supports.

(Referrals are accepted from families and carers, early childhood centres, schools, health providers, and other community services). 

How we can help – we offer:

  • Individual therapeutic support sessions in schools and children’s centres
  • Small group sessions supporting social and emotional development
  • Community education such as tailored group sessions in schools and community centres, and parent and caregiver education.

We know that children and young people’s challenges can affect the entire family, and we can connect you with additional resources and information to strengthen your family’s wellbeing.

We respect all lifestyles, cultural backgrounds, perspectives and the lived experience of families.


We deliver programs to families and children who live in the City of Tea Tree Gully and selected suburbs within the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.

Referrals are accepted from families and carers, early childhood centres, schools, health providers, and other community services. 

Please contact one of our team to discuss your individual needs on 08 8245 7100 or

Funded by the Department of Social Services, the Family Mental Health Support Service (FMHSS) provides early intervention support to children and young people who are showing early signs of, or are at risk of compromised mental health.

For urgent support

If you or a family member requires urgent assistance, please contact one of the following free 24/7 helplines:

  • Mental Health Triage Service on 13 14 65
  • Lifeline on 1300 22 4636
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800
  • Homelessness Connect SA on 1800 003 308