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Martinthi Aboriginal Kinship Care

What we offer

Martinthi, pronounced mar-ten-di, is a Kaurna word meaning to embrace, to clasp, to hold. The program assesses, trains, advocates for and supports both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal kinship carers who care for Aboriginal children and young people who have been placed in their care by the Department for Child Protection.

The Martinthi Aboriginal Kinship Care Program is a partnership between UCWB and InComPro Aboriginal Association.

Martinthi will ensure that carers are well supported to provide care that allows for children and young people to feel safe and supported so that they grow up well cared for, connected to Aboriginal culture, kin, identity, and community and empowered to reach their full potential.

Accessing the program

Kinship carers are referred into Martinthi by the Department of Child Protection and we cannot accept outside referrals.

For urgent support

13 YARN on 13 92 76 a 24/7 free and confidential support service offering clinical and cultural support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.