Resource Options and Support for Carers (ROSC)

Funded by the Department for Health and Wellbeing, our ROSC team provides 1:1 care coordination and support groups to those caring for a person with mental health challenges.

What we offer

  • Various groups throughout the month offering peer support and information on a variety of topics focusing on the mental health system, such as: carer’s rights, current therapeutic approaches, and self-care.
  • Smaller monthly groups in the North, West and South of Adelaide
  • “Mates Breaks” group for male carers
  • Assistance with referrals and information for building up the knowledge of the carer regarding their loved one
  • Navigating the NDIS system for persons with a psychosocial disability, information and assistance to link with appropriate agencies to access this scheme can be provided
  • Help with accessing Carer Payments or Allowance with Centrelink
  • Individual help for practical needs can also be part of our support


  • Carer for a person with a Mental Health Diagnosis – often this can be a different level of support either living with the person or not, the intensity of the carer role can be different for each person
  • Age of Carer 15 and above, under 15 with consent by the parent/guardian
  • Willingness to work with the allocated Carer Coordinator using an agreed to plan

For urgent support

If you require urgent assistance, please contact one of the following free services:

  • Mental Health Triage Service on 13 14 65 (24 hours, 7 days a week)
  • Lifeline on 13 11 14 (24 hours, 7 days a week crisis support)
  • Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETSS) – 1800 013 755 , 5pm – 11.30pm, 365 days a year