In-home care & daily support

We take the time to understand your preferences and focus on what is important to you.

Our team of experienced support workers (many who have qualifications in mental health and disability) provide services tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

We are here to enhance your life, your way. Let’s reach your goals together.

What we offer

Individualised support and care is available under the following four main NDIS Core Support categories: assistance with daily life, transport, consumables, and assistance with social and community participation.

We can provide you with:

  • Assistance with personal domestic activities: We offer a range of domestic services to maintain your ability to live independently while increasing your capacity to undertake personal domestic activities with greater independence.
  • Assistance with self care: We respect your privacy and dignity and you will receive the support the way you prefer which includes anything from showering and personal hygiene, grooming, and more.
  • House cleaning and other household activities: Our experienced support workers will work with you to help build your household skills or if you’re unable to undertake the task yourself can take direction and complete the tasks on your behalf.
  • House and/or yard maintenance: Our friendly home garden maintenance team can help maintain your garden and lawns, including, lawn mowing, trimming and edging, weeding, pruning, and general garden tidy ups.
  • Access community social and recreational activities: Our support workers can help you reach your goals in providing connections in the community, recreational activities and social groups. We can assist in activities that you enjoy such as going for a coffee or to a movie, visiting your local library, going to a concert, attending sporting groups, or joining courses.

Reach out to one of our dedicated coordinators to plan what support you need.

Accessing our service

Email or call us on 8245 7196 to discuss your specific needs.

Our fees

As a registered NDIS Provider, UCWB charges the rates as set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. We will negotiate with you to make a reasonable contribution towards costs associated with support workers accompanying or transporting you in the community (examples include entrance fees, event tickets and travel expenses).

Service typeDaytime
Starts & finishes between 6am and 8pm (per hour)
Weekday evening
Finishes between 8pm & midnight (per hour)
Weekday night
Starts after midnight to 6am (per hour)
Saturday (per hour)Sunday (per hour)Public Holiday (per hour)
Assistance with Personal Domestic Activities $57.23 n/an/an/an/an/a
Assistance with Self Care Activities$67.56 $74.44 $75.82$95.07 $122.59 $150.10
Access Community, Social & Recreational Activities $67.56 $74.44 n/a$95.07 $122.59 $150.10
Mentoring, Peer-support & Individual Skill Development$77.00 n/an/an/an/an/a
Skills Development & Training$77.00 n/an/an/an/an/a
Other charges
Transport costs during a service

(Activity based transport)
$1.50/kmPlease note that as a non-price capped item under the NDIS, we are required to show this at 1.00 notional unit charge rate for invoice processing by plan managers and the NDIS portal.

For example: A participant travels 10 km in their support worker’s car during a service. The total cost is $15.00 (10 km x $1.50). The invoice will show as 15 units at a charge rate of $1.00.
Travel costs to & from serviceNoneUnder the NDIS Pricing Arrangements, providers are allowed to charge for the travel of support workers to and from a service. UCWB is choosing to waive this cost for all customers.
Establishment Fee$675.60 A once of charge when there are more than 10 hours of self-care & community/social services planned per week.


  • Prices are in line and adjust with the most current NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits information.
  • All services are listed above at the standard intensity rates where applicable. Please contact us for more information if you require high intensity services.

For urgent support 

If you or a family member requires urgent assistance, please contact one of the following free 24/7 helplines:

  • Mental Health Triage 13 14 65
  • Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (LETSS) – 1800 013 755 , 5pm – 11.30pm, 365 days a year