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Martinthi Strong Families, Strong Communities

What we offer

The Strong Families, Strong Communities Program is a partnership between UCWB and InComPro Aboriginal Association. This service is funded by the Department of Human Services as a Strong Families, Strong Communities program, to help keep children safe and well in their family, community and culture.

Our Strong Families, Strong Communities (SFSC) program can help you to:

  • Grow and strengthen your relationships with your children
  • Gain a deeper understanding of your children’s behaviour
  • Explore your family story and work together to find solutions
  • Have your voice heard and be supported to access services and resources
  • Provide ways to strengthen support within your community and to your culture
  • Improve safety and wellbeing.

If you need support to keep your family safe, strong, healthy and connected, contact one of our family practitioners who will walk alongside you, to create a plan forward.

We support families from all backgrounds with children from pre-birth to 17 years of age.

This program is for you if you live in the Northern and Western suburbs of Adelaide.

Our family practitioners will walk along side you to identify your families’ strengths and needs. This will include therapeutic case management, outreach, group work, as well as referral and connection to other services and community activities.

Our Journey to Safety and Wellbeing is an easy to follow guide outlining the phases of the program.

Additional resources


The service is for all families with children aged birth to 18 years where child wellbeing or safety risk factors have been identified.

The program is designed to better support families with medium-level risk factors before their challenges escalate. Families who have successfully addressed high-level risks and can confidently step down to a less intensive model of support will also be eligible. This program is for you if you live in the Northern and Western suburbs of Adelaide.

How to access the program

Self-referrals are welcome. Referrals can also come from Intensive Family Services (as a step-down support), other family, and community members.


Northern and Western suburbs of Adelaide.

For urgent support

If you or a family member requires urgent assistance, please contact one of the following free 24/7 helplines:

  • 13 YARN  on 13 92 76 a 24/7 free and confidential support service offering clinical and cultural support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Mental Health Triage Service on 13 14 65
  • Lifeline on 1300 22 4636
  • Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800
  • Homelessness Connect SA on 1800 003 308