
We commit ourselves to the reconciliation journey and to walking together with the First Nations people of these lands, waters and skies.

We recognise that the land we work on is the land of the Kaurna people, and that this land was never given up.

We honour the wisdom, knowledge and skills of the Kaurna people and we pay our respects to Elders past and present.

We commit ourselves to a just, equitable and reconciled Australia, through listening, learning and action.

Voice to Parliament – Position Statement

In March 2023, the UCWB Board made a historic decision – it approved a statement about the First Nations Voice to Parliament referendum, which was held in October. This statement says that UCWB supports a “yes” vote in the referendum to change the Australian constitution:

“…UCWB is deeply committed to reconciliation and justice. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart. And we believe Australia cannot walk the path of reconciliation and justice without Voice, Treaty and Truth…’

View the full statement here.

We will continue to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart on the journey towards treaty and truth telling, with determination and hope. We will continue to walk alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to share stories and acknowledge history. We will continue to listen, and to take action, moving forward together towards equity, justice and reconciliation.